Her love of many sports started at an early age, but primarily trained in gymnastics until she was then able to transfer those skills to compete Internationally, winning European Championships and competing in 3 x World Championships in the sport of Competitive Aerobics (now called Sports Aerobics). 

After Gladiators Suzie continued her love of the fitness industry and sport, working as a Personal Trainer and group class instructor and also trained as a Sports and Remedial Massage therapist with the London School of Sports Massage, using those skills alongside other work in tv and media. Having spent some time away, raising a family, she’s mainly been her now 17 yr old rugby playing son’s personal Sports Massage therapist, so has refreshed her skills and sharpened her elbows ready for the clients at Personal Space!


She loves a gym strength session to keep her Gladiator powers up or dancing around to some 80’s classics in leg warmers and any animal print lycra.She competed in the British Masters Athletics Championships and won a silver medal in the Shot putt!

She has been part of the PS team for as long as it’s been established, as wife to Mark and Performance Director of the family Team Roberts!


Sports/Remedial Massage Therapist

Suzie’s love of lycra reached a high when she was selected to be one of the original LWT prime time Saturday night TV Gladiators, as Vogue back in the 90’s!